Melissa “Missy” A. Moir

August 5, 2020
White Dove
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West Henrietta, NY Melissa “Missy” A. Moir – age 56, passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, August 5th, 2020 at home.

Friends and family may call Friday (August 14th) from 3:00-7:00 PM at the Perkins-Ames Funeral Home in Gorham. A funeral service will be held at Overackers Cemetery in Middlesex on Saturday (August 15th) at 11:00 AM.

In lieu of flowers, a fund has been set up for Missy’s Grandson Clark. Any branch of Canandaigua National Bank will accept funds for the benefit of Clark R. Templeton.

Missy was a loving, caring wife who stood by Van’s side since June 21st, 1986. They had a wonderful life of adventure together, beginning with a cross country honeymoon trip and ultimately prospected for gold for two years. They returned to Rochester, NY and had their daughter, Amy D. Moir. Five years later Missy gave birth to her son, James “Jimmy” G. Moir IV. She loved these two children more than anything in the world. On June 20th, 2019 Missy stood by Amy’s side as they welcomed her grandson, Clark Robert Templeton into the world. He was the light of her last year and she loved him dearly.

Missy stepped away from work after Jimmy was born to raise her two children. She watched the children of many wonderful families during this time as well. She remembered them all fondly and loved caring for them and watching them grow up. After these years, Missy returned to work at Canandaigua National Bank and had a wonderful career there. She loved her work, her coworkers, and her regular customers.

Missy loved her family beyond compare. Holiday’s, chicken BBQ’s, weddings, parties, and the family’s yearly camping trip were her favorite way to spend the weekends and her vacations. Missy was an avid gardener and loved to share her green thumb with the rest of her family. Helping to teach nieces and nephews the tricks of her trade.

Missy is survived by her husband of 34 years, James G. “Van” Moir III; daughter, Amy D. (Douglas J. Templeton) Moir; son, James G. “Jimmy” Moir IV; grandson, Clark R. Templeton; mother, Karen D. Webster; sister, Kimberly A. (Larry Dunton, Jr.) Webster; brother, Neal R. (Kelly) Webster; nieces and nephews, Kyle R. Webster, Michaela A. (Jared) Walker, Tyler R. Webster, Emily E. (Nate Miller) Hacker; and many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Friends whom she all loved dearly.

Missy was predeceased by her father, Robert G. Webster, Jr.

Her family and friends meant everything to her. Her love will light our way.

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