Ames Monuments at Perkins

Ames Monuments at Perkins offers a wide selection of quality monuments to choose from.
There are 3 common shapes of monuments:
- A “Die” is an upright marker, often set on a granite “Base”.
- A “Slant Marker” is an upright marker with a slanted front, also often set on a granite “Base”.
- A “Grass Marker” is a marker that lays flat, either above ground or flush with the ground.
All Monuments require a Concrete Foundation.
We also offer Military plaque mounting and the engraving of “death dates” on existing monuments.
For more information Contact David at (585) 690-4001 or email.
Black “Die on Base”, with colored etching
Blue Pearl “Die on Base”
Canadian Mahogany “Die on Base”
Barre Grey “Grass Marker”
Barre Grey “Slant Marker”
India Red “Slant Marker on Base”
North American Pink “Slant Marker on Base”
North American Pink “Slant Marker”
Pennsylvania Mist “Die on Base” with black and white etchings